Sunday, January 29, 2012

New blog!

Since Weebly's blog was a bit hard to use and didn't look like I wanted it to look, I got myself a new one. You can even follow this one, and even though I haven't figured it out completely yet, I hope it will be better and I will post more. My old posts have all been copied here, so there's no worry that anything got lost in the process. I plan to make it even better, add some pictures, change background, add info, but I don't have time to do that at the moment, so I'll take care of it in the next few weeks. I also plan to change the look of my web page since it looks a bit messy. I'm still learning how to use blogger, so if something appears to be weird, I'll try to fix it. XD As long as the blog is not in Chinese or some unknown language, we're good. (Yeah, I actually managed to switch the language into something weird and had to try really hard to get it back to English.)

Oh, and for a limited time, Dangerous is free to download at Smashwords, Sony and Apple, and hopefully others will realize it too and change it before I decide to switch it back. Anyway, since readers have reported some mistakes in Dangerous, I'm going to reedit it and publish the corrected version as soon as possible. I'm really not happy that some of these problems escaped me and I hope I'll manage to see them now. Big thanks to everyone who has reviewed Dangerous!

Human is still not available everywhere like I had hoped it would be by now, but there's nothing I can do about that. Smashwords has shipped it already and now I only have to wait for Apple, Diesel and Sony to make it available in their stores.

Have a nice day everyone :)

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