Friday, January 4, 2013

Divided (Element Preservers, #3) Giveaway!

Since I have published the third book in Element Preservers series, I think it's a great time for a giveaway! Does anyone want to win an e-copy of Divided? If the answer is 'yes', you can enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below. Five lucky winners will get a copy of the book! Good luck everyone, and thanks for participating!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. ooooh hope i win! love this series

  2. I would like to thank you so much for this fantastic book giveaway I would love to have the oportunity of reading Divided and finding out more about your work, as i am an avid reader of the YA genre and this really does apeal to me!

    Thank you x
    Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk

  3. I just found your first book, I'll be reading it soon!

  4. Great giveaway. I would love to win. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. Thanks for the invite to the giveaway! I hope I win! :)

    Have a fantastic 2013!

  6. Thanks for the giveaway! :) Love your series!
