Sunday, August 21, 2016

Win a paperback copy of Love Me Deadly!

You can now participate in my giveaway on Goodreads for a chance to win a paperback copy of Love Me Deadly (Deadly Destiny, #1). This giveaway is US and GB only. Thanks for participating! :)

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Love Me Deadly by Alycia Linwood

Love Me Deadly

by Alycia Linwood

Giveaway ends September 21, 2016.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Love Me Deadly Is Now Available!

Love Me Deadly, the first book in the Deadly Destiny series, has been published and is now available for purchase at many retailers.

Destiny’s world is anything but ordinary, only she doesn’t know it yet. Some of her memories are missing, and the handsome and intriguing Nataniel whose attention she has caught is more than just a bartender.

After she suffers a fatal accident, Destiny is turned into a vampire by none the other than the sexy, arrogant, and infuriating famous supermodel Enrique, who expects her to be at his beck and call. Forced to abandon her dreams and plans, she has to learn to feed on humans and navigate the supernatural world. As if that isn’t hard enough, she and Nataniel find themselves on opposing sides.

But when a party goes wrong, Destiny wakes up surrounded by corpses with no idea as to how that happened, and Enrique refuses to help. Her only hope to find and stop the killer before more people die lies with Nataniel… if she’s willing to risk trusting him.

Mature content and language. Not suitable for younger readers.  

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Friday, May 6, 2016

Promo + Edición Española

Moira enfrenta nuevos desafíos al encontrarse en manos del enemigo. Determinada a escapar y a mantener a todos sus afectos a salvo, hace cosas que nunca soñó que sería capaz de hacer; incluyendo, confiar en el que la traicionó…

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ahora en español!

Mi libro Human ya está disponible en español!

Ariel es una joven de diecisiete años cuya vida toma un giro completamente diferente el día que llega tarde a clase. En su clase hay un chico nuevo, Devin, muy guapo y de pelo oscuro, pero para sorpresa de Ariel, todo el mundo parece conocerlo y su mejor amiga afirma que lleva yendo a la escuela con ellas durante años, aunque Ariel está segura de no haberlo visto antes.

Convencida de que sus amigos le están gastando una broma, Ariel pretende que no pasa nada raro. Incluso considera la posibilidad de tener una enfermedad en el cerebro… hasta que empieza a tener visiones sobre gente desconocida con alas y ojos extraños. Y lo que es peor, sus visiones indican que Devin podría ser un demonio que ha venido al mundo humano para llevarse un ángel al Infierno. A medida que aprende más sobre la existencia de ángeles y demonios, Ariel descubre que su hermana es el ángel que quieren llevarse los demonios.

Decidida a no permitir que nadie le haga daño a su hermana, hará lo que haga falta, incluso matar ella misma al demonio. ¿Pero podrá matar a Devin cuando parece tan humano? ¿Y qué hará cuando descubra los secretos que rodean su verdadera naturaleza? Porque, seamos sinceros, una chica que puede ver demonios y ángeles en sus visiones no puede ser humana.

Más información:

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Love Me Deadly (Deadly Destiny, #1) Cover Reveal + Sci-Fi/Fantasy Promo

Hi! I promised I'd reveal the cover for my new series, so here it is! I hope you like it. :)

I don't have a release date or the blurb yet, but I'll know more later this month or in February. As you can probably guess from the cover, the book is about vampires. I've been working on this series for a few years now and I'm really excited that I'll be able to share it with you soon. :)

Looking for a book to read? Check out some of the books in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy promo!